
Remmelt Ellen

Remmelt is onboarding Stop/Pause AI projects. He works with an ex-Pentagon engineer to clarify formal reasoning on why “AGI” cannot be controlled enough to stay safe. He supports creatives to restrict AI exploitation.  Remmelt has been with AISC from the start. He has been on the organizing team for every camp except AISC2, where he was a participant. 

Linda Linsefors

This year Linda is focusing is mech-interp, but she is also open to onboarding other types of projects. Linda has a background in theoretical physics, she has explored various areas of AI safety.  Linda took the initiative for the first AISC, but then left the project for many years. She returned to AISC in 2023.

Robert Kralisch

Robert is onboarding diverse projects with a focus on conceptual progress on the AI Alignment Problem (more about that on the About & FAQ page). Robert has a background in cognitive science and agent foundations. He was a research lead for AISC8, and is joining AISC10 as an organizer for the first time.

Past Organizers

AISC9: Virtual (Jan - Apr, 2023)

Remmelt Ellen (Research Coordinator for "Stop/Pause AI")

Remmelt is onboarding Stop/Pause AI projects. He works with an ex-Pentagon engineer to clarify formal reasoning on why “AGI” cannot be controlled to stay safe. He supports creatives to restrict AI exploitation. 

Linda Linsefors (Research Coordinator for "Everything else")

Linda is onboarding other diverse projects. Linda has a background in theoretical physics, she has explored various areas of AI safety, and currently she wants to learn more about mech-interp.


AISC8: Virtual (Mar - Jun, 2023)

Kristi Uustalu (Operations Coordinator)

Kristi oversees AI Safety Camp’s operations. She keeps an eye out for organisational bottlenecks and ensures our scheduling and fiscal administration are kept in check. She has researched EA moral psychology, worked as an editor for Charity Entrepreneurship, and explored NGO and think tank funding models in the EU.

Linda Linsefors (Research Coordinator)

Linda is the research coordinator for the 2023 virtual edition. She will help research leads develop their project ideas and will keep in touch with all the teams during the program, to help them stay on track. Linda has a background in theoretical physics and her current research focuses on understanding the brain.

Remmelt Ellen (Program Coordinator)

Remmelt oversees the design of our program in collaboration with participants, researchers and field-builders.

He helped launch the first camp and works on our strategy. His current research focusses on long-term AGI safety impossibility arguments. Previously, Remmelt co-founded Effective Altruism Netherlands.


AISC7: Prague (Oct, 2022)

Kristi Uustalu (Operations Coordinator)

Kristi oversees AI Safety Camp’s operations. She keeps an eye out for organisational bottlenecks and ensures our scheduling and fiscal administration are kept in check. She has researched EA moral psychology, worked as an editor for Charity Entrepreneurship, and explored NGO and think tank funding models in the EU.

Remmelt Ellen (Program Coordinator)

Remmelt oversees the design of our program in collaboration with participants, researchers and field-builders.

He helped launch the first camp and works on our strategy. His current research focusses on long-term AGI safety impossibility arguments. Previously, Remmelt co-founded Effective Altruism Netherlands.


AISC6: Virtual (Jan - May, 2022)

Sai Joseph (Participant Facilitation)

Sai heads our participant facilitation and outreach, making sure participants get the best out of the camp experience. She is an MS Computer Science/AI student at Northeastern University. Prior to joining CS, she taught ESL to adults and worked on US political campaigns.

Adam Shimi (Research Mentoring)

Adam is responsible for our research mentoring, liaising with mentors and participants to ensure effective collaborations. He did a PhD at IRIT (CS Research Institute of Toulouse) in Theoretical Computer Science, on the theory of distributed computing, and is now working on deconfusing concepts in AI alignment.

Kristi Uustalu (Event Logistics)

Kristi oversees our event logistics. She keeps an eye out for organisational bottlenecks and ensures our scheduling and fiscal administration are kept in check. She has researched EA moral psychology, worked as an editor for Charity Entrepreneurship, and explored NGO and think tank funding models in the EU.

Remmelt Ellen (Program Design)

Remmelt coordinates our program. He helped launch the first camp and works on our strategy. He consults for charity groups to refine decisions together and resolve bottlenecks toward doing more good. He also co-founded Effective Altr


AISC5: Virtual (Jan - May, 2021)

Remmelt Ellen  (Program Coordination)

Remmelt coordinates the program. He helped launch the first camp. He also co-founded Effective Altruism Netherlands. He likes supporting groups to refine decisions and resolve our bottlenecks towards doing more good! 

Rebecca Baron  (Participant Facilitation)

Rebecca is new to the AISC team this year. She facilitates participants’ experience at the camp and keeps our budget in check. She helped organize the Effective Altruism Global x Boston conference in 2018 and 2019. She studies economics and international relations at Tufts University.

Richard Möhn  (Applications)

Richard leads our application phase. He was admitted to AISC4, but had to drop out before the research phase began. He now works for Spark Wave as a software engineer. He thinks he knows something about application procedures because he listened to a lot of Manager Tools.

Max Chiswick  (Topics & Teams)

Max leads our topic & team selection phase. He participated in AISC4, where his team researched the topic of generalisation in reinforcement learning. He is about to start his PhD in AI.

Nicholas Goldowsky-Dill  (Team Mentorship)

Nicholas leads our mentorship and team support. He participated in AISC3 and helped organize AISC4. He recently graduated from Cornell with a degree in Mathematics. He helps with organizing effective altruism student groups at both Cornell and Oxford University.


AISC4: Toronto Virtual (Feb - May, 2020)

This AISC was intended to take place in Toronto, but was moved online due to the pandemic. 


AISC3: Madrid (Apr/May, 2019)


AISC2: Prague (October, 2018)


AISC1: Las Palmas (Apr, 2018)


Group photo from the second AISC